Mr. Carroll is also a prolific writer and has published articles, papers and books on a wide variety of legal topics.

  • Author, “Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa: The Antitrust Division Leniency Program,” THE ANTITRUST LAWYER, Federal Bar Association (Winter 2016)


  • Author, “Plowing in the Daubert Fields – Recent Applications of the Standards,” ABA Litigation Section Commercial and Business Litigation Vol. 16 No. 4 (Summer 2015)


  • Author, “The Death Knell of ATM Notice Lawsuits,” BANKERS DIGEST      (April 2013)


  • Author, “Class Actions – The Battles Continue,” THE FEDERAL LAWYER, Federal Bar Association (Vol. 60-2, March 2013).


  • Author, “Voir Dire and Jury Selection,” (Dallas Bar Association, DBA Trial Academy) (February 2013)


  • Co-Author, AT&T Mobility, LLC v. Concepcion – A One Year Retrospective,” FOR THE DEFENSE, Defense Research Institute (June 2012)


  • Author, “Class Action Waivers and the Preeminence of the Federal Arbitration Act,” SIDEBAR, Federal Bar Association (Summer 2011)


  • Co-Author, “Class Action Compendium” DEFENSE RESEARCH INSTITUTE (Spring 2011) – Montana, New Mexico and Texas


  • Co-Author, “Appellate Law,” ANNUAL REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENTS IN BUSINESS AND CORPORATE LITIGATION 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2010 (American Bar Association 2004-2007, 2010)


  • Co-Author, “Annual Survey of Texas Law – Conflict of Laws,” 63 SMU L. Rev. 455 (Spring 2010)


  • Co-Author, “Annual Survey of Texas Law – Conflict of Laws,” 62 SMU L. Rev. 1021 (Summer 2009)


  • Author, “Antitrust Overview” (State Bar of Texas, Business Torts Institute) (October 2009)


  • Author, “Failed Financial Institution Litigation and the Superpowers of the FDIC” (State Bar of Texas, Suing, Defending and Negotiating with Bank Institutions) (April 2009)


  • Author, “Federal Court Jurisdiction, Venue, Removal and Remand” (State Bar of Texas, Federal Court Practice) (May 2007 – 2008)


  • Co-Author, “Securities Arbitration Law,” ANNUAL REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENTS AND BUSINESS AND CORPORATE LITIGATION 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 (American Bar Association 2005 – 2008)


  • Author, “The Local Rules and the ‘Local’ Local Rules” (Federal Bar Association Federal Civil Practice Seminar) (March 1998 – 2008)


  • Author, “It’s Harder to Make a Federal Case Out of It – The Demise of the Rule in Conley v. Gibson;” Dallas Bar Association Headnotes (August 2007)


  • Author, “The Charge Conference and the Court’s Charge” (University of Houston Law Foundation, Litigation and Trial Tactics) (April 2007).


  • Author, “Federal Appellate Practice” (South Texas College of Law, Civil Appeals for Trial Lawyers) (April 2006)


  • Author, “The Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 – Panacea or Quagmire: A Look in the Crystal Ball” (Dallas Bar Association, Antitrust Section, Summer 2005)


  • Co-Author, “A Primer on Injunctive Relief in Federal and State Court,” THE ADVOCATE, Vol. 32, Page 34 (State Bar of Texas Litigation Section, Fall 2005)


  • Author, “Class Action Arbitrations – How Do They Work?”, DALLAS BUSINESS JOURNAL (March 11-17, 2005)


  • Author, “Arbitration” (South Texas College of Law, Advanced Civil Trial Law Conference 2005)


  • Co-Author, “The Charge Conference and the Court’s Charge” (University of Houston, Litigation and Trial Tactics Seminar) (December 2004)


  • Author, “Federal Appellate Practice” (South Texas College of Law, Civil Appeals for the Trial Lawyers) (December 2003)


  • Author, “Bank Fraud Remedies,” (Financial Institutions Legal Counsel Network) (December 2003)


  • Co-Author, “The Charge Conference and the Court’s Charge” (University of Houston, Litigation and Trial Tactics Seminar) (May 2003)


  • Author, “The Barn Door is Open. The Cow is Gone.  Call The Sheriff! What Do We Do After The Fraud?” (Texas Savings and Community Bankers Association and Independent Bankers Association of Texas, 29th Annual Legal Conference)(February 2003)


  • Editorial Advisory Board, Federal Trial Objections by David F. Levi and Peter A. Nowinski (2002)


  • Author, “Lender Liability Update,” (University of Houston Advanced Real Estate Short Course) (Nov. 1995)


  • Author, “The Obligation of Good Faith and Fair Dealing in Commercial Transactions,” (University of Houston Advanced Business Litigation Seminar) (Nov. 1994)


  • Co-Author, “Community Development Banking and Other Regulatory Developments,” (SMU Banking Law Institute) (Sept. 1994)


  • Author, “Drafting Transactional Documents from the Trial Lawyer’s Viewpoint,” (State Bar of Texas, Advanced Real Estate Drafting Institute) (February 1994)


  • Author, “Traversing the Quagmire: Federal Jurisdiction, Venue and Removal” (Dallas Bar Association) (July 1993)


  • Author, “Failed Financial Institutions Litigation and the Superpowers of the FDIC and RTC,” LENDER LIABILITY LAW AND LITIGATION (J. Norton Editor, 1993)


  • Author, “The ‘Superpowers’ of the FDIC and RTC After FIRREA,” Lender Liability Law and Litigation (J. Norton, Editor, 1991)


  • Author, “Texas Civil Practice in the Courts of Appeal and the Texas Supreme Court,” MCDONALDS TEXAS CIVIL PRACTICE, (Rev. Ed. 1991 Supp.)


  • Author, “FDIC\RTC Defenses: The Iron Hand,” SMU Bankruptcy Law Institute:  Representing Debtors in Bankruptcy (J. Norton, Editor 1990)


  • Author, “Litigation Involving the Regulatory Agency,” (South Texas College of Law-Advanced Civil Litigation Institute) (Nov. 1989)


  • Author, “Lender Liability-News Flashes from the Fronts,” (Southern Methodist University) (Aug. 1989)


  • Author, “Federal Jurisdiction, Venue and Removal,” (Federal Bar Association) (Feb. 1987)


  • Author, “Advising your Client about Multi Party Accounts, Chapter XI Nontestamentary Dispositions and Similar Problems,” (Dallas Bar Association) (April 1988)


  • Author, “Recent Developments in Federal Practice: Herein of RICO, Antitrust, Securities and Procedure,” (State Bar of Texas, A Spectrum of Civil Litigation) (Dec. 1987)


  • Author, “Non Judicial Trial of the Commercial Case: Shearson/American Express, Inc. and the Arbitration Process,” (State Bar of Texas, A Spectrum of Civil Litigation) (Dec. 1987)


  • Author, “Review of Temporary Restraining Orders in Texas, an Appealing Prospect,” 46 Tex. B. J. 1406 (Dec. 1983)


  • Author, “Securing the Home Field Advantage — Forum Selection Clauses and the Antitrust Laws” 46 Tex. B. J. 480 (April 1983)


  • Author, “A Trial Lawyer’s Guide to the Federal Antitrust Laws,” 45 Tex. B. J. 1286 (Oct. 1982)


  • Author, “The Businessman’s Relationship with Competitors and Suppliers” (DAYL Fall Workshop, 1979)